CISC Introduction The term "CISC" (complex instruction set computer or computing) refers to computers designed with a full set of computer instructions that were intended to provide needed capabilities in the most efficient way. Intel's Pentium microprocessors are CISC microprocessors. CISC is a processor design where single instructions can execute several low-level operations (such as a load from memory , an arithmetic operation , and a memory store ) or are capable of multi-step operations or addressing modes within single instructions. The primary goal of CISC architecture is to complete a task in as few lines of assembly as possible. This is achieved by building processor hardware that is capable of understanding & executing a series of operations, this is where our CISC architecture introduced. The CISC approach attempts to minimize the number of instructions per program, sacrificing
1. Explain with principle: the DHCP server and client communication process DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It handles the automatic assignment of IP addresses and other configuration settings for devices on your network. DHCP automates Network and Sharing Center in your control panel. This is especially good for people who have laptops, aren't hooked up to the Internet all the time and often move from place to place with their portable devices. They can simply get a new IP address as needed without having to do it manually. DHCP is designed to make the assignment of IP addresses and other network configuration information faster and easier. DHCP is a protocol that uses Level 4 on the OSI model. It communicates using User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams through UDP Port 68. DHCP works with most current and past Windows clients, and also Linux, Macintosh, and many network-capable printers. DHCP is desi
People have always relied on the recommendations from their peers or the advice of experts to support their decision making. has been using collaborative filtering for a decade to recommend products to their customers, and Netflix valued improvements to the recommender technology underlying their movie rental service at $1M via the widely published Netflix Prize [6]. Research on recommender algorithms garnered significant attention in 2006 when Netflix launched the Netflix Prize to improve the state of movie recommendation. The objective of this competition was to build a recommender algorithm that could beat their internal CineMatch algorithm in offline tests by 10%. It sparked a flurry of activity, both in academia and amongst hobbyists. The $1 M prize demonstrates the value that vendors place on accurate recommendations [8]. Recommender Systems provide the users with the suggestions of information that may be useful to the users to make their decisions on various sit
Black cats have an unfair reputation of being bad luck.
A black cat crossed road and just a second later a big accident was happened.
Personally i love cat very much and i have a cat in my house. This may be an co-incident.
Here is an story also :
Black Cats - lucky or unlucky?
Black cats weren’t always considered unlucky. In Ancient Egypt, from about 3100BC to 390AD, all cats, including black cats, were considered sacred and worshipped. The goddess Bastet (or Bast - see image right) was originally depicted as a lioness, fiercely protective and warlike, however her image softened over time and became more strongly associated with domestic cats. She personified the playfulness, grace, affection and cunning of a cat while still being strong powerful like larger felines. Cat worship declined in Egypt following the banning of the cult of Bast in 390 AD. They are still kept as pets and used as pest control. Cats continue to be revered to some extent in Muslim tradition.
Cats have not been so lucky in medieval Europe and America. Because of their nocturnal nature, cat’s in general were linked with witches, the supernatural and evil (long before the invention of electricity, night-time was a time of danger). Black cat’s suffered even more due to their colour. In Christian cultures, white is generally a symbol of goodness and black is a symbol of danger, corruption and evil. As witch hunts gripped both continents, this hysteria led to many superstitions about black cats including:
-witches could turn into black cats at night!
-Cats roamed at night and so were supernatural servants of witches
-Black cats were witches reborn
-Black cats were witches’ familiars – they aided them in performing witchcraft
When those believed to be witches were burned, superstition and fear of witchcraft was so strong that their cats were burned along with them.
But all is not lost for the unlucky black cat. They’ve survived all the superstition we’ve attributed to them and still show us love and affection – lucky for us!
Black cats are just as iconic in the 21st century. We continue to associate them with magical powers, whether good or bad. In some places, they are still believed to be symbols of good luck:
-Scotland; a black cat appearing on your doorstep is a sign of prosperity
England; in the Midlands, a black cat as a wedding present is thought to bring good luck to the bride
-France: In the south of France, black cats are referred to as ‘matagots’ or ‘magician cats’ and according to local superstition, feeding and treating them well will bring good luck to the owner.
-Northern Europe; it is believed that taking in and caring for a black cat can ensure fair weather and safe passage during voyages on the sea
-Asia; owning a black cat is considered lucky
Italy; if you hear a black cat sneeze, you are in for a streak of good luck
-Japan; black cats are a symbol of good luck – if they see a black cat crossing their path, they say ‘Konichiwa’ and take control of their own luck
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