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TYPES OF BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGY, Application of Biometric Technology, Some Developing biometrics,some limitations of Biometrics


In biometry, there are two types of biometric methods.One is called behavioral biometrics. It is used for verification purposes. Verification is determining if a person is who they say they are. This method looks at patterns of how certain activities are performed by an individual.
Physical biometrics is the other type used for identification or verification purposes. Identification refers to determining who a person is. This method is commonly used in criminal investigations.
4.1Biometrics Based On Physical Character
4.1.1      Fingerprint/ Palmprint Identification or Recognition
This type of biometrics compares two fingerprints to determine identification. It analyzes the ridges and valleys patterns on the fingertip for differences. These fingerprint patterns include the arch, loop, and whorl. In biometric forensics, fingerprint identification is useful for narrowing down suspects. Some laptop computers utilize fingerprint biometrics for authorizations for such purposes as logging in and entering website password.

4.1.2        Face Recognition
Facial recognition technology utilizes image or video in order to compare facial features from the chosen source to cataloged entries in a database. The technology works by creating a virtual grid and outlining the distance between defining characteristics on the face, as well as detailed information on the shape of the face: such as the contour of the nostrils, eyes, and even analyzing the texture of the skin.The technology was initially pioneered by Woody Bledsoe, Helen Chan Wolf, and Charles Bisson in 1964 as part of their collective study on pattern recognition intelligence (PRI). After Bledsoe left the study of PRI, the research was continued at Stanford Research Institute by Peter Hart. In experiments performed using the collective work of the initial pioneers, as well as his own, the first major breakthrough happened in 1968 when a computer consistently outperformed humans in identifying human faces from a database of 2,000 photos.In 1997, Christoph von der Malsburg as well as a team of graduate students from the University of Bochum in Germany developed a system known as ZN-Face that was (at the time) the most robust of its kind due to its ability to make facial matches on imperfect images. The technology was funded by the United States Army Research Laboratory and is used by customers ranging from major international airports, to banks and government offices. Current facial recognition technologies rely on cross-referencing characteristics of several different facial recognition technologies and algorithms, and are said to be so powerful that they can not only significantly outperform humans, but also correctly identify the individual faces of identical twins. Variations of this technology are currently being used in consumer grade applications, such as the Xbox One. Using Kinect Sign-In, users can sign in to their Xbox profile after the Kinect scans their face and body profile in order to make a positive identification. The facial scanner is impressive, and even works in rooms full of others where it has to pick your profile from a group.

4.1.3        Eye Recognition (retina / iris)
Retina scanning was the first ocular biometric technology used, but the technology has since been replaced by the iris scan, the more advanced – and reliable – of the two technologies. Iris recognition technology is an automated identification system that uses mathematical pattern recognition to map the complex patterns of an individual’s eye. When viewed up close, the iris displays a network of random patterns which look like a series of woven fibers and are unique to each individual. The scanners attempts to match these patterns to a database using images or video representation of the individual’s eye.
Although the modern technology surrounding iris scanning and recognition is rather new, the science behind the technology (iridology) dates back to ancient Egypt and Greece, and even appeared in the writings of Hippocrates. The modern pioneer of the technology is John Daugman, who developed and patented the first algorithms for computer-aided identification of iris patterns in 1994. Although the algorithms and tech – such as scanners and the means to catalog and retrieve samples – has improved since this time, Daugman’s algorithms are still the foundation behind all public deployment of iris recognition technology.

In addition to the physiological identification methods mentioned above, biometrics specialists have fairly recently discovered behavioral markers that help to distinguish one human from another. These methods are known as behavioral biometrics, or behaviometrics. While the technologies behind these biometric identifiers is still in development, the commonly held belief is that they aren’t as reliable as physiological methods. As such, the science behind behavioral biometrics is still being studied, and breakthroughs could lead to an additional class of stand-alone biometric identification technologies, or at least an additional layer in which to cross-reference for added statistical accuracy.
Iris recognition has been, until recently, a relatively expensive technology that sort of priced its way out of consumer applications. That could be changing soon, as technologies like Eye Lock – a device used to lock down your home computer with its own iris scanner – start to come to market.
Fig:-4 (man using eye scanner for Authentication)

4.1.4    DNA Matching :-
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes containing their DNA blueprint. One member of each chromosomal pair comes from their mother, the other comes from their father. Every cell in a human body contains a copy of this DNA. The large majority of DNA does not differ from person to person, but 0.10 percent of a person’s entire genome would be unique to each individual. This represents 3 million base pairs of DNA.

Genes make up 5 percent of the human genome. The other 95 percent are non-coding sequences, (which used to be called junk DNA). In non-coding regions there are identical repeat sequences of DNA, which can be repeated anywhere from one to 30 times in a row. These regions are called variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs). The number of tandem repeats at specific places (called loci) on chromosomes varies between individuals. For any given VNTR loci in an individual’s DNA, there will be a certain number of repeats. The higher number of loci are analysed, the smaller the probability to find two unrelated individuals with the same DNA profile.
DNA profiling determines the number of VNTR repeats at a number of distinctive loci, and use it to create an individual’s DNA profile. The main steps to create a DNA profile are: isolate the DNA (from a sample such as blood, saliva, hair, semen, or tissue), cut the DNA up into shorter fragments containing known VNTR areas, sort the DNA fragments by size, and compare the DNA fragments in different samples.It is very Accurate that the chance of 2 individuals sharing the same DNA profile is less than one in a hundred billion with 26 different bands studied.

4.2Biometrics Based on Behavioral Character

Behavioral biometrics is the field of study related to the measure of uniquely identifying and measurable patterns in human activities.
Behavioral biometric verification methods include keystroke dynamics, gait analysis, voice ID, mouse use characteristics, signature analysis and cognitive biometrics. Behavioral biometrics are used for secure authentication in financial institutions, businesses, government facilities and retail point of sale (POS), as well as an increasing number of other environments. 
4.2.1        Voice Recognition
Speaker recognition uses the acoustic features of speech that have been found to differ between individuals. These acoustic patterns reflect both anatomy and learned behavioral patterns . This incorporation of learned patterns into the voice templates has earned speaker recognition its classification as a “behavioral biometric.” Speaker recognition systems employ three styles of spoken input: text-dependent, text-prompted and text independent.
Most speaker verification applications use text-dependent input, which involves selection and
enrollment of one or more voice passwords. Text-prompted input is used whenever there is
concern of imposters. The various technologies used to process and store voiceprints include
hidden Markov models, pattern matching algorithms, neural networks, matrix representation
and decision trees.
4.2.2Signature Verification
This technology uses the dynamic analysis of a signature to authenticate
a person. The technology is based on measuring speed, pressure and angle used by the person
when a signature is produced. One focus for this technology has been e-business applications
and other applications where signature is an accepted method of personal authentication.

4.2.3  Typing Rhythm
This method which is under development is based on the typing characteristics of the individuals such as
keystroke duration, inter-keystroke times, typing error frequency, force keystrokes etc.
Two kinds of systems are getting developed based upon static and dynamic verification techniques The static verifier uses a neural network approach while the dynamic verifier is using statistics. The static approach is where the system analyzes the way a username or password was typed using neural network for pattern recognition. Dynamic approach is where the system verifies the person continuously with any arbitrary  text  input.

This is a method that can be offered as supplement to some secure authentication mechanism and not to be used independently. The performance of the method is affected by various circumstances of the human
users, such as a hand injury or fatigue of the legitimate user. The systems developed for this biometric
method are costly since they use neurological methods and dedicated terminals. Products under development for keystroke dynamics will come from BioPassword Security Systems, UK, Electronic Signature Lock Marketing, U.S.A., M&T Technologies U.S.A.

5        Some Developing Biometrics
5.1 DNA Pattern
This method takes advantage of the different biological pattern of the DNA molecule between individuals.Unique differences in the banding pattern of the DNA fragments occur. DNA prints were first used in 1983 in United Kingdom.

5.2 Sweat Pores Analysis
The distribution of the pores in the area of the finger is distinct for each individual. Based on this observation sweat pores analyzers have been developed which analyze the sweat pores on the tip of the finger. When the finger is placed on the sensor, the software records the pores as stars and stores their position relative to the area of the finger. A system under development is: PCMCIA (Personal Biometric Encoders, U.K.)

(a real fingerprint and artificial fingerprint that is not recognized by fingerprint scanner)

5.3 Ear Recognition
The shape, size of the ears are unique characteristics of an individual. This technique is used in police in
order to identify criminals.
Product: Optophone Ear Shape Verifier (ART Techniques, U.S.A.) .In future(soon) ,we will have a device that scan our ear to recognize us.
Fig-10(man using mobile that uses ear recognition tech.)
5.4 Odor Detection
The premise of this technique is that chemicals called rolatiles makes the distinctive person's smell. A
number of sensors are checking the different compounds that makes someone's smell. This method is under development. A system that is suppose to be completed in 1997 is Scentinel (Mastiff Electronics, U.K).
It is concluded that no particular biometric technique is utilized in an application e.g. access control is using hand analysis and speech analysis. No single biometric has dominated the market, the market is open and especially in Eastern European, Ex-Soviet Union countries and any other country where no identification technologies are used.

  5.5 3D Face Recognition
Three-dimensional face recognition (3D face recognition) is a modality of facial recognition methods in which the three-dimensional geometry of the human face is used. It has been shown that 3D face recognition methods can achieve significantly higher accuracy than their 2D counterparts, rivaling fingerprint recognition.
3D face recognition has the potential to achieve better accuracy than its 2D counterpart by measuring geometry of rigid features on the face. This avoids such pitfalls of 2D face recognition algorithms as change in lighting, different facial expressions, make-up and head orientation. Another approach is to use the 3D model to improve accuracy of traditional image based recognition by transforming the head into a known view. Additionally, most 3D scanners acquire both a 3D mesh and the corresponding texture. This allows combining the output of pure 3D matchers with the more traditional 2D face recognition algorithms, thus yielding better performance (as shown in FRVT 2006).

The main technological limitation of 3D face recognition methods is the acquisition of 3D image, which usually requires a range camera. Alternatively, multiple images from different angles from a common camera (e.g. webcam) may be used to create the 3D model with significant post-processing. This is also a reason why 3D face recognition methods have emerged significantly later (in the late 1980s) than 2D methods. Recently commercial solutions have implemented depth perception by projecting a grid onto the face and integrating video capture of it into a high resolution 3D model. This allows for good recognition accuracy with low cost off-the-shelf components.
3D face recognition is still an active research field, though several vendors offer commercial solutions.
5.6 EAR REcognition

6.    Applications of Biometrics Technology
Iris-based identification and verification technology has gained acceptance in a number of different areas. Application of iris recognition technology can he limited only by imagination. The important applications are those following:--
·         Used in ATM’s for more secure transaction.
·         Used in airports for security purposes.
·         Computer login: The iris as a living password
·         Credit-card authentication
·         Secure financial transaction (e-commerce, banking).
·         “Biometric—key Cryptography “for encrypting/decrypting messages.
·         Driving licenses and other personal certificates. 
·         Entitlements and benefits authentication. 
·         Forensics, birth certificates, tracking missing or wanted person

7.    Some Limitations Of Biometrics
1.      High Cost
In comparison to ID cards in the workplace, biometric devices are much more costly. Biometric technology is much more effective for security and identification purposes, but it is also much more expensive. Many biometric devices are not cheap and come with a high price.
2.      Errors Can Occur
Even though biometric technology is known to be very effective and reliable, this does not mean that errors are nonexistent. The error rate for most biometric devices is around 1%, which is small but there is still a small chance of error. This means that if 1,000 people are identified using biometric technology about 10 will be misidentified. This is a small number, but it is an issue. Wrongly identifying someone can lead to major problems depending on the setting that the biometric device is used in. Eliminating errors altogether in identifying people using biometric technology is not possible.
3.      Criminals Can Get Around Biometric Devices
It is possible for criminals to find ways to get around biometric technology. This means that biometric devices are not completely effective in halting criminals. Under certain lighting and in certain temperatures, biometric devices are even impaired further.
4.      In fingerprint recognition It can make mistakes with the dryness or dirty of the finger’s skin, as well as with the age (is not appropriate with children, because the size of their fingerprint changes quickly).
5.      Signature verification is designed to verify subjects based on the traits of their unique signature. As a result, individuals who do not sign their names in a consistent manner may have difficulty enrolling and verifying in signature verification.

·         Conclusion
 Biometrics is a viable replacement for, or enhancement to, the use of passwords or PINs to verify the identity of a person. Each person’s characteristics are unique to that individual. Even identical twins do not have the exact same characteristics. Also keep in mind that it is very hard to lose, and impossible to forget your personal characteristics, since they are a physical part of you. The use of biometrics will significantly increase the probability that the person accessing the information is actually the person they say they are. Biometric systems are used increasingly to recognize individuals and regulate access to physical spaces, information, services, and to other rights or benefits, including the ability to cross international borders. The motivations for using biometrics are diverse and often overlap. They include improving the convenience and efficiency of routine access transactions, reducing fraud, and enhancing public safety and national security. Questions persist, however, about the effectiveness of biometric systems as security or surveillance mechanisms, their usability and manageability, appropriateness in widely varying contexts, social impacts, effects on privacy, and legal and policy implications.

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