CISC Introduction The term "CISC" (complex instruction set computer or computing) refers to computers designed with a full set of computer instructions that were intended to provide needed capabilities in the most efficient way. Intel's Pentium microprocessors are CISC microprocessors. CISC is a processor design where single instructions can execute several low-level operations (such as a load from memory , an arithmetic operation , and a memory store ) or are capable of multi-step operations or addressing modes within single instructions. The primary goal of CISC architecture is to complete a task in as few lines of assembly as possible. This is achieved by building processor hardware that is capable of understanding & executing a series of operations, this is where our CISC architecture introduced. T...
1. Explain with principle: the DHCP server and client communication process DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It handles the automatic assignment of IP addresses and other configuration settings for devices on your network. DHCP automates Network and Sharing Center in your control panel. This is especially good for people who have laptops, aren't hooked up to the Internet all the time and often move from place to place with their portable devices. They can simply get a new IP address as needed without having to do it manually. DHCP is designed to make the assignment of IP addresses and other network configuration information faster and easier. DHCP is a protocol that uses Level 4 on the OSI model. It communicates using User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams through UDP Port 68. DHCP works with most current and past Windows clients, and also Linux, Macintosh, and many network-capable printers. DHCP is desi...
Police also found knives at the scene, say local media. NHK said the man had been heard saying "drop dead" as he set fire to the building.
The suspect's relationship with the company is unclear.
Eyewitnesses described a loud explosion followed by an inferno that rapidly engulfed the building.
"I saw some people with burns, covered with something. They were rushed to the ambulance," one neighbour said.
Firefighters found 10 of the victims on the stairs linking the second floor to the roof and it is feared more people could still be on the top floor.
Japanese officials said the victims were dead or "in cardio-pulmonary arrest" - a formulation routinely used in Japan for victims who have died but whose deaths have not yet been officially confirmed.
Some 36 people are in hospital, some in a critical condition, reports say. About 70 people were in the building when the fire started.
Who is the suspect?
Latest reports say the man is not a former employee - but eyewitnesses say he appeared to be angry with the animation studio.
They said he ran away from the building towards a nearby train station after the fire started but fell to the ground. Some reports said he was pursued by employees of Kyoto Animation.
"A person with singed hair was lying down and there were bloody footprints," a 59-year-old woman living nearby told news agency Kyodo.
"He seemed to be in pain, irritated and suffering, but also angry as if he was resentful. I heard him saying something like 'you copied it'," a neighbour said.
The suspect was injured and was being treated in hospital, so police could not immediately question him, NHK said.
Japanese media reports said a man in his 40s had earlier bought 40 litres (nine gallons) of petrol at a nearby petrol station. Two containers used for the fuel were later found at the scene of the fire, Asahi Shimbun newspaper reported.
Meanwhile Kyoto Animation Director Hideaki Hatta told the broadcaster that the company had recently received threatening emails.
"They were addressed to our office and sales department and told us to die," he said.
What do we know about the studio?
Kyoto Animation, known as KyoAni, was founded in 1981 and has produced popular animation shows including "K-On" and "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya".
The studio also released a standalone feature anime A Silent Voice in 2016.
One of KyoAni's series, Violet Evergarden, was picked up by Netflix for a global market.
It also publishes many popular graphic novels mainly about teenage school life.
The studio is also known for paying its animators a regular salary, breaking with the industry's standard of paying per frame which is seen as putting extreme pressure on staff.
How have fans reacted?
Japanese anime has a huge following not just in Japan but around the world.
On social media, many fans have been expressing their shock and posting pictures of their favourite KyoAni shows.
A GoFundMe campaign titled "Help KyoAni Heal" has also been started, with more than $300,000 (£240,000) raised in six hours.
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